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I have been very fortunate to have some wonderful people in my life that have either genuinely  guided me, or provided  very necessary support during some really hard times.  Without them, not just this website, but many successes and obstacles overcome, may never have happened.  So to those who have been there, are still here, and to those up above, thank you and I hold so much love for you in my heart.

For my son, my reason  to get up every morning, to grow in my creativity, to learn

             every day. You are the beat of my heart, and the person who taught me how to

            apologize  You are my everything and I love you so much. 

To my partner, best friend, love of my life- you have always believed in me, even   

       when I wasn't sure if I did. You saved me from myself at times, and brought me

      back up from the bottom.  We continue to grow together and I am so proud of what

     you have accomplished.  I love you.

                                                        In Forever  Loving Memory of                                

Juanita "Manga" Jenny Valadez, (February 20, 1945-February 20, 2021)

           There will never be enough words to ever explain all that you did for me, and still

          do.  You taught me everything I value most and hold closest to my heart. Your

          beauty, kindness, your care and  perfume still resonate with me, and I will carry

         you in my heart forever. I miss you and love you.  

© 2022 by Jenny Mena

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